Procedure of trademark renewal in Philippines

Procedure of trademark renewal in Philippines

Procedure of trademark renewal in Philippines

In the Philippines, a trademark or service mark registration may be renewed for periods of ten years after the expiration of the original ten-year term, upon payment of the prescribed fee and upon filing of a petition for renewal of registration. 

The trademark renewal in the Philippines must be filed within six months before the expiration or within six months after such expiration, provided that a surcharge is paid. 

Non-filing of the request for renewal of registration will result in removal of the mark from the IPO Register. 

If you receive an Official Action on Renewal from the IPO, you must file a response to it within two months from the mailing date.  If the IPO has no objections, it will issue a Notice of Issuance.  Make sure to pay the fees under the Notice of Issuance within two months from the mailing date.

The Submission of the Declaration of Actual Use (DAU) within 1 year from the date of renewal is required for purposes of maintaining the registration. If the DAU/DNU is not submitted within the prescribed periods, the IPOPHL shall remove the mark from the Register and notify the International Bureau accordingly.


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