
The procedure of Trademark Renewal in Brunei

The procedure of Trademark Renewal in Brunei

Once you own a trademark registration, you must do a few important things to renew the trademark when it is about to expire. Below is some useful information that can help you have an in-depth understanding about its specific timeline in Brunei. Reminder of Trademark Renewal A trademark is protected in Brunei for 10 years from the filing dates. This may be renewed for another 10 years subject to the payment of the renewal fee. The registrar shall send the registered [...]

Trademark In Brunei: Fees, Required Documents And Procedure Of Trademark In Brunei

Trademark in Brunei: fees, required documents and procedure of trademark in Brunei

Trademark in Brunei, Brunei Trademark Trademark in Brunei: fees, required documents and procedure of trademark in Brunei. The article shall provide details of all information relevant to trademark in Brunei. I. Procedure of trademark in Brunei shall include the following steps: Step 1: Trademark Search in Brunei (Optional) Trademark search is not compulsory. However, in order to know the availability of your trademark before officially filing a new trademark in Brunei, it is highly recommended that you should conduct the trademark search. The trademark [...]

Procedure of Trademark In Vietnam

Procedure of Trademark in Brunei

Procedure of trademark in Brunei shall include the following steps:   Step 1: Trademark Search in Brunei (Optional)   Trademark search is not compulsory. However, in order to know the availability of your trademark before officially filing a new trademark in Brunei, it is highly recommended that you should conduct the trademark search.   The trademark search in Brunei shall be available within 5-7 days   Step 2: Trademark filing in Brunei   The trademark procedure in Brunei shall take about 12-18 months counted from the filing date. [...]

Required documents of filing trademark in China

Required documents of filing trademark in Brunei

Required documents of filing trademark in Brunei include: + Power of Attorney: No need + Other document: + Sample of trademarks to file in Brunei + Goods/Services used under the trademark (if you know the International Class, send us your class). Otherwise, we will classify by our own end when receiving the lists of goods/services under the trademark. + Name and address of the applicant How much does it cost of trademark in Brunei? – Stage 1: TRADEMARK SEARCH IN BRUNEI Scope of work: Trademark Search Word [...]

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