The procedure of Trademark Renewal in Brunei
Once you own a trademark registration, you must do a few important things to renew the trademark when it is about to expire. Below is some useful information that can help you have an in-depth understanding about its specific timeline in Brunei.
Reminder of Trademark Renewal
A trademark is protected in Brunei for 10 years from the filing dates. This may be renewed for another 10 years subject to the payment of the renewal fee.
The registrar shall send the registered owner a notice of the approaching expiration of the notice and notify him at the same time that the registration may be renewed at any time not earlier than 6 months or later than one month before the expiration of the last trademark registration.
Renewal of a Trademark
You can renew your registration by filing a request for renewal on Form TM 7 at any time within the period of 6 months ending on the date of the expiration of the registration.
Delayed renewal and removal of registration
(1) If on the expiration of the last registration of a trademark, the renewal fee has not been paid, the Registrar shall publish that fact; and if within 6 months from the date of the expiration of the last registration, the request for renewal is filed on Form TM 7 accompanied by the appropriate renewal fee and additional renewal fee, the Registrar shall renew the registration without removing the mark from the register.
(2) Where no request for renewal is filed as aforesaid, the Registrar shall, subject to rule 50, remove the mark from the register.
(3) Where in the case of a mark the registration of which (by reference to the date of application for registration) becomes due for renewal, the mark is registered at any time within 6 months before the date on which renewal is due, the registration may be renewed by the payment of —
(a) The renewal fee within 6 months after the actual date of registration; or
(b) The renewal fee and additional renewal fee within the period commencing on the date 6 months after the actual date of registration (that is to say, at the end of the period referred to in paragraph (a) and ending on the date 6 months after the due date of renewal), and, where the fees referred to in paragraph (b) are not paid within the period specified in that paragraph the Registrar shall, subject to rule 50, remove the mark from the register.
(4) Where in the case of a mark the registration of which (by reference to the date of application for registration) becomes due for renewal, the mark is registered after the date of renewal, the registration may be renewed by the payment of the renewal fee within 6 months of the actual date of registration; and where the renewal fee is not paid within that period the Registrar shall, subject to rule 50, remove the mark from the register.
(5) The removal of the registration of a trademark shall be published.
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