Required documents for trademark renewal in Chile

Trademark in Chile, Chile trademark, Trademark fee in Chile, Trademark search in Chile

Required documents for trademark renewal in Chile

In order to renew or maintain a trademark registration in a country, we need to submit some relevant documents. So what are required documents for trademark renewal in Chile? Read these information below to have an in-depth understanding!

Here are list of required documents and general information:

To renew a trademark registration, you must submit a trademark renewal application form FPI-57.

The form must include:

  • The registration number to be renewed and the expiration date of the registration.
  • The trademark only if it is a word, the complete individualization of the owner of the registration and his representative.
  • And it renews totally or partially.

Only if a partial renewal is required, the class or classes that are renewing must be indicated.

You can present the renewal form to INAPI in person or on the institutional website. Keep in mind that you should not accept initial payments during the renewal process, and that these applications do not need to be published in the Official Gazette.

After that, if the registration is to be renewed the only documentation required is a Power of Attorney (POA).

The POA is signed by the applicant and notarized. At the time of filing, the applicant may give a copy of a notarized Power of Attorney and submit the original within one month of the filing date.

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