Required documents for trademark renewal in Cambodia

Cambodia in Brunei, Cambodia Trademark

Required documents for trademark renewal in Cambodia

In order to renew or maintain a trademark registration in a country, we need to submit some relevant documents. So what are required documents for trademark renewal in Cambodia? Read these information below to have an in-depth understanding!

Here are list of required documents and general information:

Power of Attorney (POA) from the trademark owner

The POA is signed by the Applicant and duly notarized. The applicant may provide a copy of a notarized Power of Attorney at the time of filing and submit the original within 1 month from the filing date.

The trademark registraions

A copy on filing date, and the original must be submitted within 1 month late.

Original excuted Affidavit of Use/Non-Use

The Registrant’s representative or the individual who owns the mark must sign the document. In case Affidavit of Use, no evidence of use is required to accompanied with the Affidavit.

When a trademark owner intends to file a renewal application, an affidavit of use/non-use must be filed with the Cambodia Trademark Office within one year of the 5th anniversary of the date of registration. The application of trademark renewal in Cambodia should be filed along with the request for Affidavit of use/Non-use and this  procedure will continue to apply to international trademark registrations once the new regulations are implemented.

If the Affidavit of Use/Non-use has not been endorsed yet, the trademark owner is required to submit the original Trademark Certificate as well as the Affidavit for endorsement before applying the renewal.

If no Affidavit of Use/Non-use is lodged, the trademark registration will be vulnerable to cancellation at a third party’s request.

15 specimens of the mark

These 15 prints of the mark of a size should be not in excess of 80x80mm and less than 15x15mm.

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