How to record of trademark assignment in Singapore?
If the trademark owners seek the assignment of their trademark to others, they should follow the following procedure of recording trademark assignment in Singapore.
What is contents of trademark assignment in Singapore?
In principle, A trademark assignment in Singapore shall contain the follows:
- The date of the assignment;
- Assignor and assignee’s names and addresses;
- The trade mark number(s) being assigned;
- (Where the assignment is made by an agreement) The consideration of the assignment;
- (Where the assignment is made by deed) The words “signed, sealed and delivered”4 ;
- Names, designations and signatures of the assignor and the assignee (or their personal representatives, if applicable)
What are the required documents of trademark assignment in Singapore?
According to guide of IPOS, the applicant should note the hereafter:
- If the applicant seeking the assignment is duly authorised by all relevant parties to record the assignment, he may select the ‘validation’ option in the online Form CM8. You can find the form of CM8 here.
- If the Form CM8 is not submitted via ‘validation’ option, the form shall be accompanied with either of the following:
- A copy of the contract of assignment; or
- An extract of the contract of assignment, which shows the change in the ownership of the registered trade mark or application for registration; or
- A certificate of transfer of the registered trade mark or application for registration in such form as the Registrar may require, being a certificate signed by all parties to the assignment; or
- A transfer document relating to the registered trade mark or application for registration in such form as the Registrar may require, being a document signed by all parties to the assignment; or
- A copy of any documentary evidence which in the Registrar’s view is sufficient to establish the assignment.
What is the fee for trademark assignment in Singapore?
+ Fee for trademark assignment: $US170.00 (official fee: $US60.00 and attorney fee: $US110). This is all inclusive fee.
How much does it cost for registering trademark in Singapore?
Scope of work: Filing Trademark Application To Trademark Registration Certificate | FEE
($US) |
For the 1st class | 460.00 |
For the 2nd class | 370.00 |
Duration | 8-10 months |
* Note: Our Fee for Trademark in Singapore includes all fees (official fee and legal fee); exclude fee for responding to office action, if any.
– You could visit here to see Procedure of Singapore Trademark Registration.
– You could visit here to check the required documents for filing trademark in Singapore
– You can also check the Fee of Trademark In Singapore here.
– You could check how to register trademark in Singapore here.
– You could read how to renew trademark in Singapore here.
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