Procedure of trademark renewal in North Korea
Trademark registration in North Korea is valid for 10 years and starts with the registration date.
The institutions, enterprises, organizations, or citizens that wish to renew the period of the trademark protection shall file the application for renewal with the Trademark Registration Office.
A renewal application must be filed within one year before the expiry date or within a grace period of six months after the expiry date for renewal. In order to renew trademark validity in North Korea, the trademark owner is required to file their North Korea trademark renewal prior to the due date. As regards the trademark registration cancelled or non-renewed, the application for registration may be filed again.
If the trademark has not been used within 5 years from issue of the registration certificate or has not been used later for a continuous period of 5 years, it may be subject to cancellation.
In the case of a person failing to renew a trademark, the registrar will issue an notice in the Trademark Journal indicating the removal of the trademark. After the period of the ten years if the trademark is not renewed the person still has the option of restoration, which means renewal itself but with a fine.
The institutions, enterprises, organizations or citizens that wish to cancel their registered trademark shall file an application for the trademark cancellation with the Trademark Registration Office.
For foreign applicants, it is necessary to perform trademark prosecution in North Korea through a practising trademark attorney of North Korea.
If a trademark is not renewed before the deadline, the registration will be expunged.