Lao Trademark, Trademark in Laos

Procedure of trademark renewal in Laos

When your trademark registration is about to expire, you must do a few crucial things in order to renew it. Below is some useful facts that will help you gain a better knowledge of Lao’s timeline in renewing trademark. Timeline In Laos, a registration of trademark is valid for the period of 10 years commencing from the filling date of the application and can be renewed consecutively for 10 years each time. It takes approximately 06 – 12 months from the [...]

Trademark in Chile, Chile trademark, Trademark fee in Chile, Trademark search in Chile

Procedure of trademark renewal in Chile

When your trademark registration is about to expire, you must do a few crucial things in order to renew it. Below is some useful facts that will help you gain a better knowledge of Chile’s timeline in renewing trademark. Timeline A trade mark registration is valid for 10 years with a possibility to renew every 10-year periods. An Expiry Notice will be sent to you two months before the renewal date, asking whether you want to renew the registration or let the [...]

Procedure of trademark renewal in Hongkong

Procedure of Trademark Renewal in Hongkong

In Hong Kong, a registered trademark is initially registered for 10 years. The trademark will be protected from the filing date of an application for registration, not from the priority date. The renewal application can be filed within the 6 months before expiry. The registration of the trademark can be renewed for further periods of 10 years each. The new validity period of the registered trademark is from the current expiry date. Therefore, a trademark registration can last indefinitely [...]

Patent Troll: The worst type of “infringement”

Patent Troll: The worst type of “infringement”

The patent system exists as a way to ensure the incentive and protection to not only the inventors but also their patents. In theory, by exchanging a novel invention to society, the inventors are granted with a 20 years monopoly along with certain incentives as a bonus for their contribution. Yet the system has been exploited with harm intention, such as securing the patent monopoly without any intention of using. Such as action can be called “Patent troll”. What is [...]

Trademark renewal , how to file trademark renewal, renew trademark, guide to trademark renewal, trademark renewal guide

Guide for Trademark renewal

A trademark helps businesses and companies protect their brand image legally. Due to the fact that each trademark has a specific time of validity, renewing them is of the utmost importance. Below is some useful information that will help you gain a better general knowledge in renewing trademark. Trademark Renewal Generally, the duration of a trademark registration is 10 years with a possibility to renew every 10 years, but it may vary from country to country depending on the laws of the jurisdiction [...]

Trademark in Singapore, Singapore Trademark, type of trademark in Singapore, Singapore types of trademark

Types of trademark in Singapore

What is type of trademark in Singapore? Trademark is defined as “A mark capable of being represented graphically and which is capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one person from those of others and may include the shape of goods, their packaging and a combination of colours”. (Trade Marks Act, 1999). A trade mark is a sign such as a word, device, brand, shape, color or any combination of these elements, which is capable of being graphically represented and [...]

Major Questions Of How To Register Certification Trademark In Singapore?

Major Questions Of How To Register Certification Trademark In Singapore?

AAA IPRIGHT received an inquiry of clients from China related to registration of certification trademark in Singapore. Now, we will guide how to register certification trademark in Singapore. Major Questions Of How To Register Certification Trademark In Singapore? – Client: What is the required documents for registering certificate trademark in Singapore?  AAA IPRIGHT: Details such as company’s name, address, country of incorporation – Client: Does our client need to provide proof of use?  AAA IPRIGHT: No, your client does not need. – Client: Can applicant be entity [...]

List of First to Use Countries, list of first to use countries

Trademark Filing System: What is List of First to Use Countries?

List of First to Use Countries, list of first to use countries Trademark filing system in the world divides into two filing system: first to use and first to file. What is list of first to use countries for trademark? The following table is list of first to use countries.   Aruba Australia Brunei Darussalam Canada Costa Rica Cyprus Denmark Fiji Hong Kong Malawi Malta New Zealand Pakistan Panama Papua New Guinea Puerto Rico Samoa Iceland India Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Kenya Latvia Lebanon Saudi Arabia Singapore South Africa Swaziland Turkey United Arab Emirates United States Uruguay Yemen Zimbabwe   -Reference– + You could see the trademark fee in ASEAN countries here + You could see the trademark fee in ASIAN countries [...]

What Is Trademark Fee In Philippines For Two Classes?

What Is Trademark Fee In Philippines For Two Classes?

Questions: What Is Trademark Fee In Philippines For Two Classes? I want to register the name I used to my product in Philippines. We have food supplements, some  cosmetics. How to register?  — AAAIPRIGHT’s advice Dear Sirs, Further to our recent chat, we would like to advise you on trademark quotation and trademark procedure in Philippines for your reference. You will file trademark in Philippines for two products: Food supplements and Cosmetics. It means there are two classes in Philippines. FEE OF TRADEMARK IN PHILIPPINES FOR TWO CLASSES – TRADE [...]

New Myanmar Trademark Law, Myanmar IP Law

Myanmar Trademark Law (Myanmar IP Law):  Effective soon

New Myanmar Trademark Law, Myanmar IP Law After years of pending for being enacted, Myanmar Trademark Law (Myanmar IP LAW) shall be enacted soon. If the Myanmar trademark law is enacted, the trademark applicants in Myanmar need to prepare the trademark registration in accordance with requirement of the new Myanmar Trademark Law. There are some highlighted provisions on Myanmar Trademark Law as hereafter: What is procedure of trademark in Myanmar? Under the new Myanmar trademark law, in order to register trademark [...]

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