Procedure of trademark renewal in Laos

Lao Trademark, Trademark in Laos

Procedure of trademark renewal in Laos

When your trademark registration is about to expire, you must do a few crucial things in order to renew it. Below is some useful facts that will help you gain a better knowledge of Lao’s timeline in renewing trademark.


In Laos, a registration of trademark is valid for the period of 10 years commencing from the filling date of the application and can be renewed consecutively for 10 years each time.

It takes approximately 06 – 12 months from the filing date to complete the renewal a trademark in Laos.

The extension of validity may be submitted no later than 6 months from the expiration date of the registration, provided that the late renewal fee is paid by the applicant. 

Once a trademark has not been used for a long period or the owner valid for up to 10 years, counted from the filing date does not renew in time, it will be removed from the Trademark Register.

Required documents

Notice that applications for trademark renewal in Laos must be filed within 12 months before the expiry date with the Trademark Department of Laos and the following documents are required:

  • A Bilingual Notarized Power of Attorney (POA), A scanned copy of the POA is accepted at filling, the original one must be submitted within 1 month later,
  • Copy of trademark registration certificate,
  • Specimen of the trademark in jpg file with resolution at least 300DPI.

Cost for trademark renewal

The renewal fees can be paid during the 12-month period preceding the date of expiry and for a 6-month grace period after the date of expiry. The total cost including both official fees and all-inclusive attorney’s and disbursements for the recordal of trademark renewal in Laos.

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