Cambodia tightens trademark regulations with multiple-class and affidavit requirements
Cambodia has tightened its trademark processes, restricting the filing of separate single-class applications for a mark that covers multiple classes and shortening the time for providing affidavits of use or non-use. The latter condition is particularly important for current registered trademark owners, since failure to comply may result in the withdrawal of the registered mark from Cambodia’s trademark registration.
On August 1, 2023, the Cambodian Ministry of Commerce stated that the Department of Intellectual Property Rights will from now on approve only a single application for a trademark covering more than one international class.
This means that for applications that cover more than one class, multiple-class applications are required. Previously, trademark applicants could file separate single-class applications covering multiple classes for the same mark. The new regulation, which went into effect immediately, is intended to cut redundant documentation and make the trademark registration process more straightforward.
The Ministry of Commerce announced on August 11, 2023, that trademark registrants who miss the deadline for filing an affidavit of use or non-use will not be able to do so later or when filing the trademark renewal, as was previously permitted.
According to the Sub-Decree Concerning the Filing of an Affidavit of Use or Non-Use, owners of registered trademarks must file an affidavit of use or non-use of the mark within a year after the mark’s fifth anniversary of registration or renewal.
The notification is significant because it warns that registered trademarks will be deleted from the registry if the mark owner fails to file an affidavit of use or non-use within the necessary time frame.
This notice covers both local and foreign registrations made in accordance with the Madrid Protocol.
Trademark owners would benefit from assuming that even though the notification does not specifically state an effective date, they should file any necessary affidavits of use or non-use that are past the legally required time period as soon as possible to avoid having their trademark registration removed from the registry.
***Other Articles***
– You could see the Trademark Registration in Cambodia here.
– You could also see the Procedure of Trademark in Cambodia here.
– You could visit here to see the Required documents of filing trademark in Cambodia here.
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