Required documents for trademark renewal in Hongkong
In order to renew or maintain a trademark registration in a country, we need to submit some relevant documents. So what are required documents for trademark renewal in Hongkong? Read these information below to have an in-depth understanding!
Here are list of required documents and general information:
To renew a Hong Kong trademark registration, a request for renewal must be submitted within the applicable deadline to the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Department (IPD) using official form T8.
And all required information are:
- Owner’s full name
- Registration number(s)
- Expiry date
- Class(es) to be renewed.
No power of attorney is needed from the owner.
The old trademark certificate is also not needed because the Registry processes all applications based on its computer records, which are accessible via the Registry’s search website.
If there have been changes in the ownership of the mark, the owner must explain his claim to ownership and file any relevant forms to register particulars of assignments or other registrable transactions.
All of the circumstances of the failure to renew should be considered when deciding whether it is just to reinstate the trade mark to the register. In most cases, restoring the mark would be just if the owner had a proper system in place for renewing the registration and an application to restore the mark was filed as soon as possible after the omission was discovered.