
Two Different Types of Patent Applications in China

Two Different Types of Patent Applications in China

In the Chinese patent system, an approach known as “both-filing,” or “dual filing,” enables an applicant to seek patent protection for their technical product-related systems through two different forms of applications, namely invention and utility model patent applications. When you have a valuable product and want to secure immediate and long-term protection, this filing method, which differs significantly from standard filing practice, may benefit you. If an applicant files only one type of application at the new filing—an invention or [...]

CNIPA issues report indicating high prospect from Intellectual Property sector to 2023, high prospect from Intellectual Property sector to 2023, CNIPA issues report of Intellectual Property indications,

CNIPA issues report indicating high prospect from Intellectual Property sector to 2023

In collaboration with 17 other agencies, the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) published the Opinions on Accelerating the High-Quality Development of IP Services in December 2022. By 2030, China should have more than RMB 500 billion (US$ 73 billion) in revenue, 2,000 or more service agencies, and 1.5 million or more practitioners, according to the development goals for IP services put forth by CNIPA. The Guidelines for Building a Powerful Intellectual Property Nation (2021–2035) and the National Intellectual Property Protection [...]

The Advantages of Intellectual Property Rights Customs Recordation in China

The Advantages of Intellectual Property Rights Customs Recordation in China

China Customs presented information about the advantages of customs recording of intellectual property rights in China. Include the following specifications. Customs recordation to take proactive actions According to the “Regulations of Customs Protection of Intellectual Property Rights,” if an intellectual property right holder has filed an application with the customs to record his intellectual property rights in advance, the customs has the authority to cease the importation/exportation of suspected infringing goods and conduct an investigation of the infringing goods when the [...]

China and WIPO collaborate on IP promotion

China and WIPO collaborate on IP promotion

The establishment of the intellectual property (IP) system and global IP governance faces new problems and possibilities as a result of current trends in international growth. The worldwide pandemic outbreak and developments not seen in a century have left the globe in a state of uncertainty, but one thing is certain: IP will play an increasingly important role in reviving the economy and sustainable development. The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the specialized organization of the United Nations in the [...]

The Chinese Patent Office plans to take action against fraudulent patent applications

The Chinese Patent Office plans to take action against fraudulent patent applications

A draft of new regulations was published by the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA), which will decrease the ratings of Chinese patent offices that grant fraudulent patents. The draft, which builds on a trial that began in January 2022 in four provinces, was provided by CNIPA on October 8. The Chinese Patent Office plans to combat fraudulent patent applications The purpose of the proposal is to “crackdown on illegal and untrustworthy acts” committed by Chinese patent offices and to advance [...]

Trademark registration needs to be the first step for businesses operating in China

Trademark registration needs to be the first step for businesses operating in China

Foreign businesses that produce goods in China commonly worry that their Chinese suppliers or a local rival would copy their designs, but they are far too negligent in protecting their trademarks. This approach misses the universal truth that trademark stealing is simple whereas product design stealing is significantly more difficult. Thus, the design will almost always be the last object taken while the trademark will nearly always be the first. The Need for trademark registration in China The false perception of [...]

The Guidance Opinions on Strengthening Intellectual Property Appraisal Work published in China

The Guidance Opinions on Strengthening Intellectual Property Appraisal Work published in China

The CNIPA announced plans to promote the implementation of a comprehensive appraisal system for intellectual property infringement issues and issued the Guiding Opinions on Strengthening Intellectual Property Appraisal Work (hereinafter referred to as the Guiding Opinions). Three guidelines should be followed, according to the Guiding Opinions, in order to improve intellectual property Appraisal work: adhere to the combination of government guidance and industry self-discipline; adhere to the combination of high-quality development and standardized management; and adhere to the combination of theoretical research and [...]

Types of goods or services that can be trademarked in China

Types of goods or services that can be trademarked in China

In the process of trademark prosecution, it is common for the applicant/registrant to restrict or even give up on some of the goods or services associated with a brand in order to gain registration or prevent confusion. This is permitted by jurisdictions like the United States and the European Union, so long as the modification does not increase the extent of the trademark’s protection. In light of the current examination procedure in China, things are less clear-cut. Limitations on the types [...]

solutions when having merchandise seized by the China Customs, having merchandise seized by the China Customs, merchandise seized by the China Customs, solutions when having merchandise seized,

Solutions when having merchandise seized by the China Customs

If you are a brand owner and just recently received the news that your merchandise has been seized by China Customs, what are the methods, or solutions you can do to protect your merchandise, and more importantly, your reputation? China is the largest market in the entire world. Therefore, it’s no strange thing that businesses from all over the world want to enter this market and sells their merchandise here.  However, entering China’s market is not as easy as it used [...]

marketing or copying in China, marketing in China, copying in China, marketing or copying,

Marketing or copying in China?

A good advertisement doesn’t mean that there won’t be any backlash or digging into how the ad is made. This is reflected clearly in a recent scandal about a hit advertisement by Andy Lau in China when his advertisement over the Audi car brand got criticized as copying and pasting word by word to a post by another famous vlogger in China.    The German luxury carmaker Audi advertisement featuring Hong Kong superstar Andy Lau got slammed heavily on China’s [...]

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