Fee and procedure of trademark renewal in Australia. In order to renew trademark validity in Australia, trademark owner is required to file their Australia trademark renewal prior to due date. Renew Australia trademark now.
Scope of work: Filing trademark renewal in Australia | FEE
($US) |
For the 1st class | 450.00 |
For the 2nd class | 450.00 |
Taiwan’s IPC Court rules on AI not being inventor cause concerns
“Can AI be an inventor?” is a question that has been unanswered for many years, decades, or even centuries. For the most part, AI has always been deemed unfit to become the inventor of anything in most countries. However, a recent Taiwan’s IPC Court rules on AI not being inventor has caused major concerns to AI supporter across the world. The situation in Taiwan’s Intellectual Property and Commercial Court (IPC Court) is extremely worrisome for many parties as the answer [...]
Bittersweet in the Manuka Honey trademark battle
The Manuka Honey trademark battle is a bittersweet battle as the applicant – a group of honey producers in New Zealand is rejected the trademark for the term “Manuka Honey” in many countries. The honey-producing industry in New Zealand has long been famous throughout the world. This includes Manuka honey – one of its best types of honey available. Specifically, manuka honey is made from bees that feed on the Leptospermum scoparium plant, a shrub-type evergreen tree with white or pink flowers. Grown [...]
Notable aspects of the new patent search tool of Australia
IP Australia introduced a new patent search tool called the Australian Patent Search (APS) on March 20, 2024. This platform is currently running alongside its predecessor, the AusPat search tool, which has been in use since the mid-2000s. APS, featuring a more modern interface, is set to fully replace AusPat by the end of 2024. APS offers both Quick search and Structured search features. According to Frazer McLennan, a patent information professional at Spruson & Ferguson in Sydney, the ability [...]
IP Australia Releases 2024 Intellectual Property Report: Key Insights and Trends
IP Australia has unveiled the twelfth edition of the Australian Intellectual Property Report 2024 (the Report), which highlights significant movements in intellectual property (IP) statistics and examines the intricate links between innovation, collaboration, and commercialization. This comprehensive report not only presents the latest IP statistics but also delves into new research areas, including the relationship between patenting and organizational partnerships, and a comparative evaluation of patent scopes across Australia, the EU, and the US. Key Findings and Trends in IP [...]
Australia updates new Madrid Goods and Services list for trademark applications
On March 28, 2024, IP Australia transitioned to using the Madrid Goods and Services list (Madrid List), replacing the former Trade Marks Goods and Services list. This change introduces more comprehensive goods and services descriptions, offering trademark applicants a broader range of options, especially beneficial for those filing TM Headstart applications. Previously, IP Australia’s picklist was relatively limited, making this an advantageous update. TM Headstart, IP Australia’s pre-application service, assists first-time trademark applicants by reviewing their applications before formal submission [...]
The procedure of trademark renewal in Australia
In Australia, a trademark registration may be renewed every ten years. There are charges that must be paid. Trademark registration may be renewed an unlimited number of times. Anyone can pay for the renewal. As you use your trademark over time, you may want to lower the number of classes you originally registered as your business or product line evolves. If you want to remove classes of goods and/or services from your registration, you must do so at least three [...]
Unregistering rights can only get you so far in Australia
In Australia, brands may obtain registrations for aspects of packaging, such as colour schemes and design elements. Brand owners can still protect their rights even without registration. However, unregistering rights can only get you so far in Australia as there will be many obstacles that brand owners may find it difficult to pass through when a conflict occurs. This statement can be made clear through the Brick Lane Brewing Co Pty Ltd v Torquay Beverage Company Pty Ltd in Australia. This is a [...]
New status on the fight to recognize AI as an inventor
On top of the news that an AI has been appointed to protect the rights of its client in a legal battle, the fight to recognize an AI to become an inventor in Australia has got new updates. For recollection, Dr. Stephen Thaler is one of the world’s most brilliant scientists on many subjects. However, people in the IP field don’t know him because of his Ph.D. or talented, they know him because of his constant efforts to recognize the [...]
– You could also Trademark fees in Australia for filing new trademark application here.
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