East Timor Trademark, trademark in East Timor

East Timor Trademark, trademark in East Timor

Please be informed that to date East Timor has no IP registration procedures. As a new country now they are still arranging to prepare Laws in many fields including in the field of Intellectual Property Rights. Due to the above circumstances, the only means can be taken by clients to protect a trademark in East Timor for the time being is placing Cautionary Notice in newspaper in East Timor.



Scope of work: Filing Trademark Application To Trademark Registration Certificate FEE


The costs to Place a Cautionary Notice- per trademark for black and white 1080.00
The costs to Place a Cautionary Notice- per trademark for Color 1180.00


* Note:

– Our Fee for Trademark in EAST TIMOR includes all fees (official fee and legal fee); exclude fee for responding to office action, if any.

– The Quotation is for maximum number of goods or services is 20 goods or services, and for each additional goods or services over the 20 goods or services, we will charge you US$ 3,5.- per 1 additional good or service and disbursement US$ 75.-. Goods/services will be translated both in English and Portuguese/Tetum.

– You could visit here to see Q&A of Trademark in East Timor here.

Contact AAA IPRIGHT: Email: [email protected]

Or sending your inquiry by filling the form:



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